Work Alternative Program
If you have been sentenced, by the court, to serve a jail sentence of 40 days or less, you may apply to serve your sentence in the Work Alternative Program. The Work Alternative Program is an alternative to incarceration.
Application Process
To apply, you MUST CALL the office immediately after court, at (831) 759-7230, 759-7231, or 759-7262 to make an appointment* and provide the following information: name, days sentenced, surrender date, and case number. On the day of your appointment, bring your court documents.
Acceptance into the Work Alternative Program is solely at the discretion of the Sheriff’s Office. Your eligibility will be based on the nature of your charges, your prior criminal history and your previous performance in the Work Alternative Program. This program requires its participants to perform manual labor, such as picking up litter, general maintenance, and performing other such tasks. If you are not able or unwilling to perform such work, you may not be eligible for the Work Alternative Program.
Acceptance Policies
If you are accepted into the Work Alternative Program, you must abide by the following program rules and policies:
Participants are required to work a minimum of 2 days per week (8 hours daily).
The Work Alternative Program operates 7 days a week. If weekend work sites are all full, participants will be required to work weekdays.
Participants must begin their program within 7 days of their enrollment with the Work Alternative Program.
Participants are eligible to earn good time/work time credits in the Work Alternative Program.
Walk-In Exceptions:
Transfer Out of County ONLY: Contact the Work Alternative Program immediately after court, on the same day of court sentencing.
If you live outside of Monterey County and need to transfer your case to the county where you reside, you must first enroll with the Work Alternative Program. Please bring your court order.
Contact Information:
Office hours: Monday through Friday. 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Open during lunch hour.
Closed Saturday, Sunday, and County Holidays (click here to view).
Office lines: (831) 759-7230, (831) 759-7231, or (831) 759-7262