Property Crime Unit

This unit encompasses COMMET, the County of Monterey Marijuana Eradication Team, MADCAT, Multi-Agency Detail for Commercial Auto Theft (MADCAT): This is a multi-agency task force comprised of personnel from the Sheriff’s Office and the California Highway Patrol. MADCAT’s mission is to investigate the theft of vehicles and related crimes such as “chop shops”. This unit works across jurisdictional lines, in both the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the County.

This unit also handles Gang and Narcotics investigations, as there is a nexus of guns, gangs, narcotics, and crime. This unit has increased cooperation between experienced gang and narcotics investigators, resulting in more effective investigations, an increase in arrests, and a reduction in the crime rate.

This unit also handles the Agriculture Crimes, which is a grant funded unit. It’s purpose is to identify and address crimes that impact the agriculture industry within Monterey County. Working in conjunction with a Criminal Intelligence Specialist, these detectives will coordinate their efforts with other law enforcement agencies on the Central Coast and the Central Valley.