Forms & Documents
The following are the most popular forms that members of the public come to our site for:
General Crime Report
Request for Release of Information (Solicitud Para Obtener Información)
Administration Bureau Forms & Documents
Civil Division
English forms
Downloadable forms:
SER-001 - Instructions to the Office of the Sheriff Civil process
SER-001A - Special Instructions for Writs and Levies (Sent in conjunction with SER-001)
English documents
For contact information please visit our Civil Division page.
Civil Division’s Contact Information
Office email: socivil@co.monterey.ca.us
Office line: 831-755-3712
(This office line is a non-emergency line. If you're having an emergency, please stop and dial 9-1-1.)
Civil Division's Mailing Address
Monterey County Sheriff's Office, Civil Division
1414 Natividad Road
Salinas CA, 93906
Fiscal Division
English forms
Downloadable applications:
Fortune Telling and Related Practices Application (Ordinance 7.16)
Itinerant Vendor's Permit (Ordinance 7.20)
New Alarm Permit (Ordinance 11.08)
Downloadable renewal forms:
Massage Business and Off Premise Permit Renewal (Ordinance 11.25)
Massage Technician Permit Renewal (Ordinance 11.25)
Fortune Telling and Related Practices Permit Renewal (Ordinance 7.16)
English documents
Formas en Español
Permiso de Vendedor Ambulante (Ordenanza 7.20)
Fiscal Division’s Mailing Address
Monterey County Sheriff's Office, Fiscal Division
1414 Natividad Road
Salinas CA, 93906
Records Division
English forms
Downloadable forms:
Online forms:
English documents
Formas en Español
Formularios no disponsibles en línea:
Once your form has been faxed, mailed, or submitted, our Records staff will review the report or request. Please allow adequate time to pass before following up with our staff.
Records Division’s Contact Information
Office line: 831-755-3700 (This office line is a non-emergency line. If you're having an emergency, please stop and dial 9-1-1.)
Records Division’s Mailing Address
Monterey County Sheriff's Office, Records Division
1414 Natividad Road
Salinas CA, 93906
Alternatively, copies of these forms can be faxed to 831-755-3810.
Corrections Bureau Forms & Documents
Jail Division
English forms
Downloadable forms:
Online forms:
For more information visit our Jail Information page.
Additional Forms & Documents
English forms
Forms that must be printed and submitted in person:
Explorer Program Application (or visit our Explorers page)
Internship Program Application (or visit our Internships page)
Online forms:
Formas en Español
Formularios no disponsibles en línea: