Jail Information
If you have any inquiries, complaints, or require ADA accommodations for visitors or individuals in-custody, please contact the Custody Division ADA Coordinator.
Email: ADAHelp@countyofmonterey.gov
Phone: 831-755-3743
Incarcerated Person Commissary trust account
Money may be deposited into the Trust account using one of the following methods:
Kiosk machine in the jail lobby
Using the approved commissary provider website of www.touchpaydirect.com
By phone at 1-866-204-1603
Incarcerated Person Smart Communication phone/tablet features
Mail - deposit funds via money order or certified check. Include the phone number of the Prepaid Collect (PPC) or PIN Debit calling account in which funds are to be deposited. Also include the phone number of the party depositing funds. Make payable to “Smart Communications” and mail to:
Smart Communications Deposit Center
P.O. Box 1848
Pinellas Park, FL 33780Online, Kiosk and automated operator deposits are subject to a $3.00 processing fee. Live operator deposits are subject to a $5.95 processing fee. Deposits sent through mail are not subject to a processing fee.
Note that an incarcerated person’s booking number can be found on the In Custody Log web page. Click here to view.
Please click here to view our Incarcerated Person Communications page, which details about how you can communicate with a loved one that is in our facility.
To request a property release, please call 831-755-3782 and leave a detailed property request message.
Your message will be responded to within 48-hours.
You will receive a pick-up date and time confirmation.
Property pick-ups are completed at the Main Jail Lobby on Wednesdays and Sundays (8AM-10PM).
Note that property release requests must be completed within 10-days of an incarcerated person's intake date, unless the incarcerated person has been formally sentenced to the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR).
More information about how you can send mail to an incarcerated person in our facility can be found on our Incarcerated Person Communication page. Click here to view.
All regular incarcerated person postal mail (postcards, letters, greeting cards, etc.) will be scanned into the system and available to the incarcerated persons to view their postal mail via the kiosks.
All incarcerated person postal mail must be sent to the following address:
Smart Communications - Monterey County Jail
Attention To:
Incarcerated Person Name #Booking Number
P.O. Box 9199
Seminole, FL 33775-9199The incarcerated persons’ name and booking number must be clearly printed on the outside of the envelope or post card to ensure the mail is posted to the current account.
Note that an incarcerated persons booking number can be found on the In Custody Log web page.
If you still have questions, contact the Monterey County Jail by calling our public line: 831-755-3782
Incarcerated person phone service: 866-516-0115
Click here to pay bail online. Pay Location Code: # 6519.
Relevant Links and Forms
Incarcerated Person Communications
Incarcerated Persons Medical Information Form
Request For Convicted Felon to Visit an Incarcerated Person
Visitors must present a copy of this form to the visiting deputy when coming to visit.
No visits shall be granted to convicted felons who do not have proof of prior approval.
Public Visiting Rules
Reglas de Visita Familiar
1116.06: Public Visiting Rules
One child and one adult are allowed in the secured visiting rooms at one time. Time will not be divided among different visitors (no switching).
Cameras, tape recorders, cell phones, and other electronic devices are prohibited and may be confiscated. A crime report and evidence receipt shall be completed if it is confiscated.
Bringing firearms, explosives, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or any controlled substances into the facility or on facility grounds is a crime and cause for arrest.
Visitors shall be properly attired. Dress conservatively and modestly. Clothing that resembles law enforcement or military-type clothing including raingear, when not legitimately worn by an individual on active duty or in an official capacity are prohibited.
Do not wear any item that cannot be taken off and will not clear a metal detector (Such as an underwire bra or clothing with metal buttons). There are specific clothing restrictions:
No strapless, halter, bare midriff, sheer, or transparent clothing;
No skirts, dresses, or shorts that expose more than two (2) inches above the knee;
No clothing that exposes the breast, genitalia, or buttocks area;
No very tight, form-fitting attire;
No wigs, hairpieces, extensions, or other headpieces except for medical reasons and with prior approval;
No hats or gloves, except with prior approval or in inclement weather; and
No shower shoes.
If your religion requires you to wear a certain type of clothing that would otherwise be unacceptable by operating procedures, such as Muslim headdress or Catholic habits, you will be allowed to wear the clothing; however, you may be required to remove it for inspection in a private location with an officer of the same gender present before you are allowed into the visiting room.
Copies of religious books (Bible, Koran, and Torah) are available for visitors to check out and take to go over any religious scripture during your visit. Please speak with a visiting Deputy about checking out a book and return it at the end of your visit.
Service animals (dogs only) specially trained to provide assistance to a disabled person are allowed to assist a disabled visitor. The visitor must have some form of documentation, harness, or markings identifying the animal as a service animal (although it need not be a license or certification from a government agency). The animal and the visitor will have to clear the metal detector, but disabled visitors will not be separated from the service animal at any time. It is the responsibility of the visitor to ensure that the service animal is properly controlled and behaved at all times.
If you have a need to bring in items relating to a medical condition, you must have documentation from your doctor as to its need. The documentation must include the doctor’s name, address, telephone number, and medical license number and must be updated every two (2) years. With such verification as to its medical necessity, the following are allowed:
Prescription medications that are life-sustaining or condition stabilizing, such as inhalers or nitroglycerine; medications must be in the original pharmacy container with the patient’s name, the pharmacy name, and the doctor’s name, as well as the medication’s name. Quantities of medication are limited to what may be needed during the visit.
Hats with documentation that they are medically necessary.
Seat cushions or backs with documentation that they are medically necessary.
If you have an implant or prosthetic device that includes metal and will set off the metal detector, you must have documentation from a doctor specifying the nature and location of the implant or device. With such documentation, staff will use a wand to sweep your body instead of the metal detector to ensure security.
Visitors under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be denied visiting and are subject to arrest.
Visitors who do not control their minor children shall be required to leave.
Visitors causing a disturbance shall be required to leave.
Visits of persons violating visiting rules shall be terminated. The Facility Captain shall be notified when severe violations occur. The Facility Captain may restrict visiting privileges for a specified period of time.
Visitors who leave the visiting area shall not be allowed to return unless approved by the visiting Deputy.
Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, and gum are prohibited in the visiting area.
Diaper bags and purses are prohibited. Visitors may bring in one diaper and one bottle for infants.
Parolees are prohibited from visiting unless they have written permission from their parole agent.
Convicted felons shall be required to fill out the convicted felon form (4571 PC) prior to visiting. Convicted felons must have pre-approval from the Facility Commander to visit.
1116.06: Reglas para las visitas del público
Se permite el ingreso de un niño y un adulto a la vez en las salas de visita con seguridad. No se dividirá el tiempo disponible entre distintos visitantes (no se permite realizar cambios).
Se prohíbe el uso de cámaras, grabadoras, teléfonos celulares y otros dispositivos electrónicos, los cuales podrán ser confiscados. Se deberá completar un informe del delito y un comprobante de evidencia en caso de que algún elemento sea confiscado.
Ingresar con armas de fuego, explosivos, bebidas alcohólicas, narcóticos u otro tipo de sustancias controladas a las instalaciones o los alrededores es un delito y causa de arresto.
Los visitantes deben estar vestidos apropiadamente. Deben estar vestidos de forma modesta y conservadora. Están prohibidas las prendas que se parezcan a vestimenta de estilo militar o de cumplimiento de la ley, incluyendo equipo de lluvia, cuando no se vistan de forma legítima por parte de un oficial en servicio activo o en una capacidad oficial.
No se permite vestir artículos que no puedan ser retirados y que no pasen la prueba del detector de metales (tales como un brasier con aros o prendas de vestir con botones de metal). Existen ciertas restricciones específicas en cuanto a las prendas. No se permiten:
Prendas sin tirantes blusas halter vestimenta con el abdomen descubierto, prendas transparentes;
Faldas, vestidos o pantalones cortos que expongan más de dos pulgadas sobre la rodilla;
Prendas que expongan los pechos, las partes genitales o el área de los glúteos.
Prendas ajustadas o modeladoras;
Pelucas, extensiones u otros tipos de elementos para la cabeza, excepto por motivos médicos y que esté previamente aprobado;
Gorras o guantes, excepto con aprobación previa o debido a un clima inclemente;
Calzado de ducha.
Si por motivos religiosos, debe vestir ciertas prendas que de otro modo serían inaceptables debido a los procedimientos operativos, como por ejemplo tocados musulmanes o hábitos católicos, se le permitirá que use esta vestimenta. Sin embargo, deberá quitársela en una ubicación privada para que un oficial del mismo género pueda realizar una inspección antes de que ingrese al área de visitas.
Se encuentran a disposición copias de libros religiosos (la Biblia, el Corán, el Torah) para que los visitantes puedan usarlos durante la visita. Comuníquese con el alguacil de visitas si desea retirar un libro y regresarlo al finalizar la visita.
Se permiten los animales de servicio (solo los perros) entrenados especialmente para brindar asistencia a un visitante con discapacidades. El visitante debe presentar cierta documentación, pechera de perro, o marcas que identifiquen al animal como animal de servicio (aunque no necesariamente sea una licencia o una certificación de una agencia gubernamental). El animal y el visitante tendrán que pasar por el detector de metales, pero no se separará al visitante del animal de servicio en ningún momento. El visitante será responsable de garantizar que el animal de servicio está bajo control y se comporta en todo momento.
Si necesita ingresar con elementos relacionados con una afección médica, debe tener la documentación de su médico respecto a la necesidad. Esta documentación debe incluir el nombre del médico, la dirección, un número de teléfono y un número de licencia médica. Debe actualizarse cada dos (2) años. Con la verificación en cuanto a la necesidad médica, se permitirá:
Medicamentos recetados para el mantenimiento de la vida o estabilizantes de ciertas afecciones, como inhaladores o nitroglicerina. Los medicamentos deben estar en el contenedor original de la farmacia con el nombre del paciente, el nombre de la farmacia y el nombre del médico, así como también el nombre del medicamento. Las cantidades de medicamento están limitadas a lo que sea necesario durante la visita.
Sombreros con documentación que indique que son médicamente necesarios.
Almohadones para asientos con documentación que indique que son médicamente necesarios.
Si tiene un implante o un dispositivo prostético que incluye metal y activará el detector de metales, debe contar con la documentación médica que específique la naturaleza y la ubicación del implante o el dispositivo. Con esta documentación, el personal utilizará una vara para realizar el control en lugar del detector de metales para garantizar la seguridad.
Los visitantes que estén bajo el efecto del alcohol o drogas no podrán ingresar y estarán sujetos a arresto.
Los visitantes que no controlen a sus acompañantes menores deberán retirarse.
Los visitantes que generen disturbios deberán retirarse.
No se permitirán las visitas de las personas que incumplan estas normas. El capitán de las instalaciones recibirá una notificación cuando se produzcan incumplimientos graves. El capitán de las instalaciones puede restringir los privilegios durante un período específico.
Los visitantes que se retiren del área de visita no podrán regresar a menos que lo permita el alguacil de visitas.
No se permite fumar, vapear, mascar tabaco o goma de mascar en el área de visitas.
No se permite el ingreso de bolsas de pañales y bolsos. Para los niños pequeños, los visitantes pueden ingresar con un pañal y un biberón.
Se prohíbe las visitas de personas con libertad condicional a menos que tengan un permiso de su agente de libertad condicional.
Los delincuentes condenados deberán completar un formulario de condena (4571 PC) antes de la visita. Los delincuentes condenados deberán tener una aprobación previa por parte del comandante de las instalaciones para ingresar a la visita.
Family Visiting Times
Horarios de Visita Familiar
Please review the jail visiting schedule and arrive at the jail 1-hour prior to your visiting start time to reserve your appointment.
Por favor, consulte el horario de visitas a la cárcel y llegue 1-hora antes de su visita para reservar su lugar.
Click here to download the family visiting schedule.
Haga clic aqui para descargar el horario de visitas familiares.
A-Dorm Hours: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
A-Pod Hours: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
B-Pod Hours: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
B-Dorm Hours: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
D-Pod Hours: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Infirmary Hours 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
C-Pod Hours: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Men's Holding (1, 2, 3) Hours: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Q-Pod Hours: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
C-Dorm Hours: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
D-Dorm Hours: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
E-Dorm Hours: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Women's Holding Hours: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
J-Pod Hours: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Men's Holding (4, 5, 6) Hours: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
K-Block (Bottom Tier Cells 101-119) Hours: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
G-Pod Hours: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Hospital Hours: 6:00PM - 7:00 PM
K-Block (Top Tier Cells 201-219) Hours: 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
H-Pod Hours: 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
L-Block (Bottom Tier Cells 101-119) Hours: 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM
T-Pod Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
N-Block (Bottom Tier Cells 101-119) Hours: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
R-Pod Hours: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
N-Block (Top Tier Cells 201-219) Hours: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
X-Block Hours: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
M-Block (Bottom Tier cells 101-119) Hours: 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM
I-Pod Hours: 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM
V-Block Hours: 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM
U-Pod Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
L-Block (Top Tier Cells 201-219) 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
S-Pod Hours: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
E-Pod & F-Pod Hours: 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Z-Block Hours: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
M-Block (Top Tier Cells 201-219) Hours: 8:30 PM - 10:30 PM