Incarcerated Person Communications

While an incarcerated person is in jail, there are various ways they can communicate with their loved ones on the outside. In addition, money can be added to their account, so they can order items on the commissary menu.

Documents detailing the Incarcerated Person Communication options can be found here:


For tech support issues, please contact Smart Communications Customer Care at 1-888-253-5178.

Any other questions, please contact the Monterey County Jail at 831-755-3782.

No Contact Orders:

If a visitor and an incarcerated person, victim vs. defendant, have an active no contact order, visits will no longer be permitted. This procedure is being implemented as a visitation rule in an effort to honor a judge’s ruling of no contact with the victim (NCWV).

Incarcerated Person Booking Number:

To find an incarcerated person’s booking number, search for them using the following page. Click here to view our In-Custody Log.