Incarcerated Person Communications
While an incarcerated person is in jail, there are various ways they can communicate with their loved ones on the outside. In addition, money can be added to their account, so they can order items on the commissary menu.
Documents detailing the Incarcerated Person Communication options can be found here:
For tech support issues, please contact Smart Communications Customer Care at 1-888-253-5178.
Any other questions, please contact the Monterey County Jail at 831-755-3782.
No Contact Orders:
If a visitor and an incarcerated person, victim vs. defendant, have an active no contact order, visits will no longer be permitted. This procedure is being implemented as a visitation rule in an effort to honor a judge’s ruling of no contact with the victim (NCWV).
Incarcerated Person Booking Number:
To find an incarcerated person’s booking number, search for them using the following page. Click here to view our In-Custody Log.
www.SmartInmate.com connects family and friends with incarcerated persons in correctional institutions using a fast, low cost and easy to use two way electronic messaging system. Save time and money over traditional postal mail. When using www.SmartInmate.com you can connect in just minutes and correspond every day in near real time instant communication with your loved ones. Don't wait days for that letter to arrive, sign up and connect now, it's quick, easy and free to sign up!
Fast and safe message delivery
Messages are stored on our secure servers
Prevent lost or stolen mail
Send photos to incarcerated persons
Personal Mail and Post Cards:
The Monterey County Jail has contracted with Smart Communications to provide MailGuard electronic mail services.
The changes are being made to streamline the operations of the Sheriff’s Office, improve communications, and ensure the safety and well-being of incarcerated persons and staff.
Effective 12/4/2024, the mailing address for incarcerated persons to receive personal mail from family and friends is:
Smart Communications - Monterey County Jail
Attention To:
Incarcerated Person Name #Booking Number
P.O. Box 9199
Seminole, FL 33775-9199Any mail received at the facility after 12/4/2024 will be returned to sender.
The incarcerated persons’ name and booking number, must be clearly printed on the outside of the envelope or post card to ensure mail is posted to the incarcerated person’s account.
This is the mailing address to send personal mail for Monterey County Jail. All regular incarcerated person postal mail (postcards, letters, greeting cards, etc.) will be scanned into the Smart Communications system, and available to the incarcerated persons to view via the incarcerated person wall kiosk. You should only mail copies of these documents or pictures that you do not mind NOT getting back.
Friends and family are encouraged to subscribe to MailGaurd Tracker. Sign up for a free www.MailGuardTracker.com account to track postal mail delivery status, receive notifications if your mail is rejected, and download copies of mail that has been received and processed.
Upon release, incarcerated persons have 30 days to login to the public website at: www.SmartInmate.com and enter their booking number and password to download their photos, messages, and postal mail for free.
Money Orders and Cashier Checks:
Money orders or cashier’s checks for deposit to an incarcerated persons money account will be processed by Smart Communications.
Effective 12/4/2024, the mailing address for incarcerated persons to receive money orders or cashier’s checks from family and friends is:
Smart Communications - Monterey County Jail
Attention To:
Incarcerated Person Name #Booking Number
P.O. Box 9199
Seminole, FL 33775-9199Any mail received at the facility after 12/4/2024 will be returned to sender.
Books and Magazines:
Books and magazines will continue to be processed at the jail, and senders should continue to use the current jail address:
Incarcerated Person Name
Booking Number
1410 Natividad Rd
Salinas, CA 93906Legal & Priviledged Mail To Incarcerated Persons From Attorneys:
Legal & Privileged secured electronic messaging and document uploads/signatures for attorneys, please register at www.SmartInmate.com.
Legal & Privileged mail to an incarcerated person from their attorneys will be sent electronically by using SmartInmate, at no cost to the incarcerated person or the attorney. Please sign-up for an account at www.SmartInmate.com. A government issued ID and a Bar Card are necessary for your account to be approved. Once it’s approved, you are able to send privileged messages and documents to your client electronically. The attorney will need to register for each incarcerated person that they wish to have a connection with.
If you need to get emergent legal mail to your client, please contact the Monterey County Jail at 831-755-3782.
The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office nor Smart Communication have access to viewing any of these correspondences.
Other Governmental Agencies Sending Mail To An Incarcerated Person:
Please continue to send mail to:
Incarcerated Person Name
Booking Number
1410 Natividad Rd
Salinas, CA 93906 -
Register at www.SmartInmate.com to start receiving phone calls from your loved one while they are incarcerated. There are different options to allow you to pay for incarcerated person phone calls in advance and stay connected.
Once you have registered, you can start purchasing PrePaid Collect Deposit or a Debit Account Deposit. Visit the website to learn the difference between the two. For pricing, please click here to see the English brochure or click here to see the Spanish brochure.
Register at www.SmartInmate.com to start scheduling video visitation with your loved one while they are incarcerated.
Once registered and connected to an incarcerated person, you will need to submit an application to video visit with the incarcerated person. For pricing, please click here to see the English brochure or click here to see the Spanish brochure.
Please follow all rules and regulations when visiting on-site or at home. If you break the rules/regulations, your account may be suspended from visiting an incarcerated person at the Monterey County Jail. Please follow all rules and regulations when visiting on-site or via video (see visiting rules here).